Maribor Architecture in the Main Square

Sustainable Transportation Maribor: Getting Around

Sustainable Transportation Maribor: Getting Around

Maribor, Slovenia’s second-largest city, is conveniently situated near the borders of Austria, Hungary, and Croatia. Being a logistics hub, finding affordable public transportation options within Maribor is easy and the city itself is quite walkable.

Here are some sustainable transportation options to explore:

    Arriva Bus: We used Arriva for a 2-night getaway to the medieval town of Ptuj. The buses operate multiple times a day, connecting various towns throughout Slovenia. Punctual and clean, the buses’ schedules and costs can be easily accessed through the user-friendly Arriva app. The one-way fare from Maribor to Ptuj was a very reasonable 1.30 EUR. You can pay fares directly to the bus driver. The buses are hybrid.

    Quaint Cobblestone Streets Old Medieval town Ptuj

    We took the Arriva bus for a 2 night getaway to the quaint medieval town of Ptuj. It was easier than trying to find and pay for parking.

    MBajk Electric Bike Rentals: Offering affordable rental subscriptions at 1 EUR per week for tourists or 3 EUR for a yearly subscription, MBajk provides a great option for exploring Maribor. With bike-friendly lanes scattered throughout the city, it’s not only a convenient means of transportation but also a fun way to get around and check out the sites.

    Mbajk Bike Rentals Maribor

    MBajk Bicycle Rentals. Cheap and convenient.

    Bolt E-Scooter Rentals: While not as budget-friendly as the bike rentals, the scooters provide a fun alternative for getting around the city.

    Marprom Inter-City Buses: Ideal for inter-city travel, Marprom’s buses include electric options, with a commitment to achieving 50% electric vehicles by 2030.

    Avant2Go Electric Car Share: If you plan an extended stay in Maribor or Ljubljana and only need a car for day trips, consider setting up an account with the Avant2Go CarShare program. With costs half that of traditional car rentals, you pay only for the time you use the car. This option cost us approximately 38 EUR for a day, as opposed to the 65 EUR daily rate for traditional car rentals. Setting up an account takes about 24 hours, and you’ll need to visit the Avant2Go office to sign an application form. Ensure you have internet access and a phone number. Consider getting a Slovenian SIM card for connectivity and number for setting up your Avant2Go account. Another viable travel internet option is 3uk, and I also recommend getting an international phone number through In case you want to use a car overnight you can speak to Avant2Go about that option. We didn’t try it ourselves but were advised that this is possible. A bonus advantage, of this car-share program is the ability to test out different types of electric vehicles and learn about them before committing to buying a car yourself. Being someone completely new to electric vehicles, it was a great introduction. Also, being a digital nomad, travelling for extended periods while on a budget, the car share program where you use a car only when needed, saved me a lot of money. I wish to see this type of service in more destinations around the world. It is beneficial both environmentally and financially.

    Avant2Go Car Share Program Slovenia

    Avant2Go Car Share Program: Lighter on the environment and the wallet.

    For international travel, I recommend utilizing Flixbus, GoOpti, or the OBB train service. The website  is a super helpful resource for figuring out logistics within Europe.

    I hope that you make it to Maribor, a hidden gem within Slovenia!

    For more information on Maribor, check out the related blogs sustainable activities, dining, accommodation.

    Safe & Sustainable Travels!


      Maya Grove is a passionate advocate for sustainable travel, blending her expertise with a love for exploring the world responsibly. With a certification from the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and credentials Fundamentals of Sustainability Accounting from the IFRS Foundation, Maya brings a wealth of knowledge and credibility to her writing. As a sustainable digital nomad, she has a unique, hands-on perspective on eco-friendly travel practices. Beyond her writing, Maya consults with tourist-based accommodations, helping them adopt more sustainable practices. Join her on a journey to discover how we can explore our planet while preserving its beauty for future generations.

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