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Curating Responsible Travel:

Your Guide to the Sustainable Tourist Blog

Curating responsible travel with the Sustainable Tourist Blog involves a focus on fostering mindful and sustainable journeys. Offering firsthand insights into tourist destinations, including accommodations, travel-related products, activities, and restaurants, we examine the pros and cons from a sustainability perspective. This blog strives to empower its readers by providing clear, actionable steps towards achieving more sustainable travels, focusing on the following interconnected areas:

  • Environmental Sustainability: Lighten your eco-footprint while travelling
  • Economic Sustainability: Lighten your Travel Budget to facilitate slow travel and a digital nomadic lifestyle
  • Social Sustainability: Lighten any adverse social impacts during travel

About the Author

Originally hailing from Canada, life decided I should spend two decades on a small caribbean island. Living there showed me the not-so-pretty consequences of unsustainable living and tourism – dying coral reefs, increasing litter and single-use plastic issues, and the burning waste in overflowing landfills, to name a few. This degradation happened right before my eyes. That’s when I thought, “Enough is enough” I need to follow the wise words of Ghandi and be the change that I want to see in this world.

I dove into the world of environmental sustainability, obtaining education and certificates in sustainable business, accounting and tourism (including a certificate through the GSTC and credentials in Fundamentals in Sustainable Accounting). Despite growing up glued to David Suzuki and National Geographic, I had a reality check – my actions weren’t aligning with my love for nature. So, I started small, cutting down on waste, composting, recycling, and using less toxic products. These actions grew into this greater community effort of cleanups, zero-waste and recycling education, land restoration projects, and helping other small businesses become more sustainable.

Then, with the rise of remote work and long-term travelling, I found myself wandering as a tourist, only to notice that I was creating more garbage on the road than I ever did at home. Turns out, not every place has caught on to recycling or conservation, and many are still in love with their single-use plastics. It was a learning curve figuring out how to travel without leaving a massive carbon footprint.

This blog? It’s my way of sharing the rocky journey of my eco-awakening, with a focus on the real impacts of tourism with tips and tricks to travellling more sustainably and also cost-effectively. Dive in, maybe pick up a thing or two from my missteps and lessons learned, and hopefully, it sparks some ideas for your own eco-conscious journey. Let’s make this world a bit greener, one travel choice at a time. 🌍✈️

Beyond the Blog, Giving Back

We contribute a proceed of sales, whether through this website or external consulting services, to community projects that simultaneously enhance the well-being of community members and contribute to the betterment of the local environment. Stay tuned for updates on these impactful endeavours.

If you would like to reach out for any reason, message us anytime at info@nimabusiness.com

Safe and Sustainable Travels!